Monday, September 22, 2014

Top Ten Books

Top Ten Books

 So this is my first post, for everyone out there who may happen to stumble across this someday. I am writing this blog right now for English class, which means it will be all about books. But really, I'd probably blog about that anyway. So I may come back later and do a post just about my summer reading but for now I will do as I please. Ready? Here is a part of brain, on your screen. Okay that sounded really gross!

The Top Ten Books That  Impacted My Life:

    1. Only Emma, by Sally Warner (Seriously I read this book like 30 times when I was little)

2. Little House on the Prairie Series, by Laura Ingalls Wilder (I was very sad when I finally finished the series and Laura was all grown up...) 

3. Regarding the Fountain: A Tale, in Letters, of Liars and Leaks, by   (I loved the way they wrote this book, it was all in letters or labels or anything but normal writing, so cool to a 5th grader!)

4. Ella Enchanted, by Gail Carson Levinen (Always has, always will be, a huge favorite! Love the ending!)

5. Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Mongomery (I read this book when I was younger and cried when it was over because I wanted to keep reading)

  6. Harry Potter, by J.K. Rowling (Do these not impact everyone?)

7. The Gallagher Girl Book Series, by Ally Carter (I was obsessed with these in 7th grade and have quotes from them all over my room)

8. A Charmed Life, by Jenny B. Jones (Read it, it needs no words)

9. Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen (Still working on it, but I love the story!)

10. The Book Thief, by Marcus Zusak (This was my summer reading, so I will explain later)



  1. When I was younger I went through this phase where Anne of Green Grables was my favorite book and I had the doll and everything for it. I loved it so much. To this day I still have no idea why because when I read it, I didn't understand the story at all.

  2. I have read the book I'd Tell You I Love you, But then I'd have to Kill you by Ally Carter and it was very good, I loved it! I haven't read it in a while so I don't remember what it was about but she is a very good author.

  3. I can tell you work really hard on your blog posts... I really like how you gave commentary on each book.

  4. I like it how you give a thought or two about each book.
